What We Do
Grayscale offers a wide array of services and manages a variety of engagements. Below is a sample of the types of projects in which we specialize.
Grayscale offers a wide array of services and manages a variety of engagements. Below is a sample of the types of projects in which we specialize.
Strategic planning helps organizations prioritize the most mission-critical activities and establish a roadmap for the future. We help corporate and nonprofit organizations facilitate the most effective processes.
We help organizations build a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, and structural or cultural changes, so that organizational transitions support – and don’t impede – progress.
We offer consulting services to help organizations in need of leadership transitions clarify their needs and create roadmaps for effective transitions.
We provide brand analysis, research and counsel to help organizations understand how to differentiate themselves and their offerings in a competitive marketplace.
We help corporate and nonprofit boards improve the success of their boards by ensuring the right mix of people, and effective processes and structures.
We create systems to help ensure that compensation structures and levels are helping attract and retain the most qualified talent.
We help executives think through and achieve clarity on the most effective ways to progress in their careers.
We help organizations select communications and marketing agencies that are a strong match for their needs and culture.
For nonprofits, we develop cultivation plans, recruit donors and grow relationships to foster a culture of philanthropy among communities.
Grayscale counsels a wide range of leaders in many industries.
Corporate leaders face more pressure than ever to solve complex issues, attract and retain top talent, and improve. We work with executives to help realize enduring results, from strategy to execution.
We offer a range of consulting services to enhance the effectiveness of boards and leaders, and improve their ability to successfully lead their organizations.
We provide innovative ways for professional and trade associations to improve efficiency, generate revenue, and manage their operations.
We drive business performance by providing insights that organizations need to make better decisions about talent, structures and systems.
Career transitions can be difficult. We provide the highest level of counseling and support to help executives reinvent their careers and establish new paths forward for future work.